Forget The Republicans, Let’s Start A Conservative Party!

24 11 2008

If the Republicans want to run away from conservative principles, then let’s just let them go.  Conservatives are so tired of compromising Republicans who claim to be conservative, but they are clearly more moderate than ever.  Or maybe we can just convince them that they are on the wrong track and need to come back to reality and get back on our side!!  Moderation does not win conservative votes, McCain has proven that point.  McCain wasn’t on the side of conservatives from day one, so many conservative voters couldn’t see past the blatent dis.  Sarah Palin was his only hope, but it just wasn’t enough to win. 

We need to make sure our Republican politicians understand that conservative voters do not want them to compromise their values in order to “get along” and “reach across the aisle.”  We need someone who will go against the flow and stand up for conservative morals no matter what the costs.  Passion is what we need in a candidate!  Barack Obama had liberal passion, but there was not one on the Republican side who had this passion for conservatism.  It is still not clear who will stand in the gap for us, for there is clearly a large gap that needs to be filled.  Any suggestions anyone?

Tell Me Your Opinion About Obama!!

8 11 2008

Landslide Obama Win

7 11 2008
Well, as we all know, Obama beat McCain’s socks off on election night.  How in the world did this even happen?  A man like Obama, who has had more questionable acquaintances than most of the corrupt people in government combined, a man who has ties to the Muslim religion through his family and acquaintances, a man who wants to make America equal with the rest of the world, and a man who has shamelessly promised to raise our taxes and share our wealth during a time of economic crisis!  What are people thinking??  Now, just to clarify, I am not against the majority of Muslims, but remember that our enemies in the Middle East are all Muslim!!  It seems that Mr. Obama could have a conflict of interest going on here.  During these times, we really need someone who would be tough on our enemies, not sympathetic towards them.

There are two reasons I think Obama won this election.  First of all, people were simply smitten by the young, good-looking man, and hypnotized by the liberal media to believe that he was going to save everyone from all of the problems in their lives.  They were so smitten that they ignored every word that he spoke except “hope” and “change” and “no more George Bush.”  Secondly, I believe John McCain was inconsistent and a luke-warm “conservative.”  McCain has always been quick to compromise and shun conservative principles in order “get along with” and “reach across the aisle” with the other side.  The only reason he had any hope at all was because of his Vice-Presidential pick, Sarah Palin.  If it wasn’t for Governor Palin, John McCain would have only won, maybe 20 electoral votes!  Conservative Republicans do not like compromisers.  We want someone to represent us that feels as strongly about conservative issues as we do, someone who is willing to fight like crazy to keep those issues alive!  Regarding working with the other side, they are never willing to compromise their views for us, so why should we compromise our views for them?  It should go both ways!  But since they are difficult and stubborn, we must also be difficult and stubborn!  Especially if we are going to uphold any conservative principles at all!

At this point, I have no faith in our new Commander in Chief.  He stands for everything that I am against and he is against everything that I stand for.  I believe he is very bad for this country and we will all suffer as a result.  Obama talks about hope?  I have “hope” too, you know.  My hope is that my assessment of Obama is completely wrong and that he ends up governing more towards the center.  I know that hope is a powerful thing, but hope can always be shattered by reality.