Trickle-Up Economics? Or Is It Trickle-Down?

6 12 2008

Why is it that the Democrats and their pals are so quick to dis the “trickle-down economics” view when it is convenient, but switch gears in a moment to claim that if the “big three” auto companies go down, or if the financial institutions go bankrupt, it will affect all of the workers down the line?  Sounds like they think the effects will trickle-down?  They support “trickle-up economics” when they want to be viewed as anti big corporation and large corporate profits in order to be viewed as helping the “little guy.” 

Barack Obama is clearly a fan of the ‘trickle-up” idea regarding economic policy.  I am curious how he would explain the problem with the ski slopes in Durango Colorado?  Those rich skiers are just not showing up.  This is affecting all of those “little guy” employees that work for the ski resort; sounds like it’s trickling down to me.  It works the same way when you encourage prosperity.  As the rich get richer and start more businesses, those same rich people need to hire more employees to help them in their new businesses and projects.  Big businesses only hire the “little guy” during profitable times, not when they are being hit with tax increases, for example.  When the rich get richer the poor are better off and when the rich get poorer the poor are in big trouble!

Forget The Republicans, Let’s Start A Conservative Party!

24 11 2008

If the Republicans want to run away from conservative principles, then let’s just let them go.  Conservatives are so tired of compromising Republicans who claim to be conservative, but they are clearly more moderate than ever.  Or maybe we can just convince them that they are on the wrong track and need to come back to reality and get back on our side!!  Moderation does not win conservative votes, McCain has proven that point.  McCain wasn’t on the side of conservatives from day one, so many conservative voters couldn’t see past the blatent dis.  Sarah Palin was his only hope, but it just wasn’t enough to win. 

We need to make sure our Republican politicians understand that conservative voters do not want them to compromise their values in order to “get along” and “reach across the aisle.”  We need someone who will go against the flow and stand up for conservative morals no matter what the costs.  Passion is what we need in a candidate!  Barack Obama had liberal passion, but there was not one on the Republican side who had this passion for conservatism.  It is still not clear who will stand in the gap for us, for there is clearly a large gap that needs to be filled.  Any suggestions anyone?