The Government “Bail-Out” Machine Is Out Of Control!

11 11 2008

I woke up this morning in a cheerful mood, but that cheer was instantly dashed when my local news radio reported that the government has decided to “help” homeowners by lowering their mortgage payments.  Keep in mind that these homeowners have not even defaulted on their mortgage payments yet!!  What possible logical explanation do our lawmakers have for “bailing out” a part of society that doesn’t even need it!  I am still trying to stomach the government bail out of irresponsible corporations!  I say LET THEM GO DOWN!  And let the people who irresponsibly purchased homes they couldn’t afford to go down also!!  Renting is not the end of the world!!!  It seems that it is now the government’s goal to make everyone’s life easier??  At this point, who in their right mind would keep paying their mortgage?  I would certainly be tempted not to.  All you have to do is show a little hard times and voalla, help is on the way! 

The only possible conclusion to this type of action from the new American federal regime is that they want control of as much of society as they can.  The more they control, the easier is will be for them to implement a system that is based solely upon government control, Socialism, or worse, Communism.  We are already dangerously teetering on the edge of Marxism and people are just clueless! 

Check back for an upcoming post comparing American policies to the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto!  Hopefully it will wake you up!



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