Tomorrow We Find Out Who Will Be Our Next President

3 11 2008


Well, tomorrow’s the day when American will find out the new path that this country will be taking for possibly the next 8 years.  In my opinion,  this election has been rigged from the beginning.  Obama has received no scrutiny from the liberal media, while McCain and Sarah Palin have practically received severe 3rd degree burns.  It is truly a mark of character that they are still fighting and still neck in neck with the media favorite, Obama.  I can only believe that Americans who are voting for Obama have either not taken the time to read about the issues or they are just too dumb to care.  How can one who is proud of being an American vote for someone who has no respect for what as made this country great?  That is, the U.S. Constitution and our commitment to individual freedoms.  Obama’s noncommitment to these ideals is literally frightening!!